6 Common Data Cabling Mistakes That Can Cripple Your Business

Businesses rely on their data cabling networks day in and day out, so there's no such thing as a 'little problem' when it comes to data cabling. Even the smallest issue can impact your network, but you can prevent that from happening by ensuring that you don't make any of the common mistakes listed below.

1. Measuring Incorrectly

This is one of the most obvious errors, but it's also one that people make fairly frequently. Make sure you measure the length of data cabling you need carefully. Too little is clearly going to be a problem, but an extra few feet can create a complete mess, and you're likely to spend plenty of time untangling different cables. It's also going to make your office look less professional. 

2. Failing to Keep Cables Cool

Most people already know that their servers and computers need to be kept cool in order to avoid performance issues and heat-related damage. However, your cabling also needs to be protected from excess heat. This is a particular problem when lots of data cabling is running together, and it can easily lead to problems.

3. Using Different Cables for Voice and Data

It used to be the norm for companies to use expensive data cabling alongside cheaper voice cabling. However, technology has advanced drastically over the years, and it's now easier and more cost-effective to use the same cables for both data and voice.

4. Running Data and Electrical Cabling Next to Each Other

Data cables produce a small magnetic field when low voltages pass through them. Unfortunately, this magnetic field can be disrupted if you place electrical cabling next to your data cabling. This disruption can ultimately impede transmission speeds, and has even been known to block the data flow completely. Make sure those two cabling types aren't ever touching.

5. Skipping the Proper Tests

When your data cabling is installed or changed, you need to carry out the proper tests. Too many people leave this at turning their systems on and off; instead, you need to measure transmission speeds and check that every application is working optimally.

6. Failing to Label Each Cable

Sometimes a cable will fail no matter how perfectly you take care of your system. When this does occur, you need to identify the problem as quickly as possible, and that's a pretty hard job to accomplish if you haven't properly labelled each cable. Make sure you clearly tag each one at both ends.

Taking the time to avoid making these mistakes will pay off in the long run, so make sure you don't fall foul of them.
